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Moore Public Library, A District Library

Friends Book Sale

Friends of the Library
    Plant & Book Sale
May 24th
Friday 10 - 4
May 25th
Saturday 10-1
Gently Used Books
Fiction - Non Fiction 
      Paperbacks & Puzzles
Audiobooks & DVDS
Book Sale located in Village Conference Room (building west of the library).
Plant Sale outside of the back of library.

Search for Library Materials

Search for Library Materials

Location & Hours

Main Branch
Moore Public Library
7239 Huron Avenue, Lexington, Michigan 48450

Library image
Phone: 810-359-8267
Fax: 810-359-2986

Monday and Thursday 10 - 6
Tuesday, Wed, Friday 10 - 4
Saturday 10-1


P.O. Box 189
Lexington, Michigan 48450

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