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Moore Public Library, A District Library

Library Procedures

Library Procedures


The Moore Public Library has a four stage approach to reopening following the COVID 19 emergency closing.  Progressing to the next stage will depend on state governmental directives on what is allowed and how the library director and staff feel about the safety of moving to the next stage.

The Library Director is designated to make the decisions on when to implement each stage and to make changes to the stage procedures as needed.

  1. All staff will be trained in the following before reopening:
  2. Workplace infection-control practices
  3. Proper use of personal protective equipment
  4. Steps the employee must take to notify the library of any symptoms of COVID-19 or a suspected or confirmed case diagnosis.
    • Report any symptoms to library director and/or library board president.
    • Stay home if they or another person in their house is showing any symptoms
    • Notify the health department and library director or library board president if a case of COVID-19 is confirmed.
  5. If a staff member or patron shows symptoms of or is ill with COVID-19, the library will be closed for three (3) days.
  6. If a staff member becomes ill with COVID-19, they must not return to work for at least fourteen (14) days. (May change due to CDC recommendations).


Curb Side Service

  1. Only two (2) staff members will be in the library at one time and wear masks.
  2. Staff will be screened upon entering the library
  3. All returned items will be put in drop box.
  4. Staff will remove items from drop box, wipe covers clean with antiseptic wipes, and set aside items for three (3) days before checking them out to another patron.
  5. Patrons must phone or e-mail book requests and staff will respond with pick up information. (Maximum items allowed for checkout will be 15).
  6. Curb side deliveries will be made from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday and curb side deliveries on Monday and Thursday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. starting as soon as the State of Michigan releases libraries to open curb side deliveries.
  7. Staff will clean work areas and bathrooms at the end of each day.


Patron Entry

  1. Only two (2) staff members will be in the library at one time, wear masks, and use assigned desk.
  2. Library will be opened at limited times. (TBA)
  3. All returned items will be put in drop box.
  4. Staff will remove items from drop box, wipe covers clean with antiseptic wipes, and set the items aside for three (3) days before checking them out to another patron.
  5. Patrons will be asked not to enter if they are showing signs of illness.
  6. Limit of five (5) patrons at a time.
  7. Patrons will be required to wear masks.
  8. Upon entry and exit, patrons will follow an arrowed line to aid in distancing from others. An X on the floor in front of the checkout counter will be a signal to patrons to keep six feet away from staff.
  9. Patrons will be limited to 15 minutes per visit and keep six (6) feet away from others.
  10. Reserved materials will be ready for pick up at back desk.
  11. Plexiglass shields will be up at check-out counters.
  12. Counters will be wiped down between patron checkouts.
  13. Staff will clean work areas and bathrooms at the end of each day.


Patron Entry and Computer Usage

  1. All returned items will be put in drop box.
  2. Staff will remove items from drop box, wipe covers clean with antiseptic wipes, and set the items aside for three (3) days before checking them out to another patron.
  3. Patrons will be required to wear masks.
  4. Upon entry and exit, patrons will follow an arrowed line to aid in distancing from others. An X on the floor in front of the checkout counter will be a signal to patrons to keep six feet away from staff.
  5. Patrons will be limited to 30 minutes per visit and keep six (6) feet away from others.
  6. Computer users will be limited to 30 minutes and only at designated areas that are spaced at least 6 feet apart.
  7. Reserved materials will be ready for pick up at back desk.
  8. Plexiglass shields will be up at check-out counters.
  9. Counters will be wiped down between patron checkouts.
  10. Computer keyboards and mouse will be cleaned between uses.
  11. Computer assistance will be provided on a limited basis.
  12. Staff will clean work areas and bathrooms at the end of each day.


  1. Programs may resume with social distancing protocols.
  2. Library will resume regular scheduled hours.
  3. Patrons may resume computer usage and material checkouts with social distancing protocols.
  4. Staff will continue to clean work areas and bathrooms at end of day.
  5. Plexiglass may or may not be taken down, we will have to assess at the time.

Library Cards :

  • Please Present a Drivers License OR ID with a local or County address
  • A utility bill with the local address will also be accepted along with the ID or Drivers License

To Replace a Lost card, a fee of $ 1.00 will be charged.

Renew at the Circulation Desk during your regular visit

Lost or Damaged Items :

If an item is Lost or Damaged enough that it cannot be repaired and returned to circulation,  the Borrower  will be charged the cost of the item. A $2.50 processing fee will also be charged to cover the supplies and staff time expended    

Fines, Fees, and Loans 

2-week checkout // Overdue charge 15 ¢ per day

New Books - Reserve Books 
1-week checkout // Overdue charge 15 ¢ per day

Audio Books 
2-week checkout // Overdue charge 15 ¢ per day

$1.00 for a 2-day rental // Overdue charge $1.00/day.

1-week rental // Overdue charge 15 ¢ per day

Search for Library Materials

Search for Library Materials

Location & Hours

Main Branch
Moore Public Library
7239 Huron Avenue, Lexington, Michigan 48450

Library image
Phone: 810-359-8267
Fax: 810-359-2986

Monday and Thursday 10 - 6
Tuesday, Wed, Friday 10 - 4
Saturday 10-1


P.O. Box 189
Lexington, Michigan 48450

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